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Gardener's Blog /

Let's talk about our experience in the Jardin Pontanique

Photo du rédacteurLucie

End of the semester

I went to the garden with many people during the semester. All were happy to discover this place and to participate. My sister came by night on december 21st to bring a bottle of compost tea, here is what she tought of it :

"It is a great initiative, it was really dark so I couldn't clearly see everything but it seems well structured".

The last two people who came were Antoine and Martin.

Happy Antoine :)

This is the end of my "get down and dirty project", I hope you love what I wrote (with 0 view / article, I'm sure to please myself XD), I will continue next semester even if I am not enrolled in the class "We are what we eat".

Have a nice week and see you later !

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